Hebrews 12:1-13

"Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith..."
Hebrews 12:1-13

Monday, June 18, 2012

Run The Race Marked Out For You!

Well, Father's Day has come and gone.  It's an interesting day.  All of a sudden everyone is telling you, "Happy Father's Day," but what do they mean?  I think most people are probably thinking:
1.  Hope your kids are nice to you.
2.  Hope you get the gifts you wanted.
3.  Hope you have a great meal.

As I sat around the dinner table yesterday, what I thought was, "I hope all of my children and grandchildren (I have one now - Mason) follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength."  Nothing else really matters.  A great job, nice homes, sporty cars, big screen televisions.  None of it has any lasting value.  Yesterday Pastor Glaze focused on where men invest themselves, and he asked the question, "Are you taking time to nurture your soul with God?  Are you rich in God?"

I imagine it's not so different in Kenya.  In fact, I imagine most people don't have the materialism staring them in the face as we do.  I imagine that most of them are working hard to get the necessities of life to stay alive.  Oh, I'm sure there is an upper class in their society as in ours, but my understanding is that the differences are much more stark.  But Christian Dads in Kenya still must be praying that their children and grandchildren come to be a disciple of Jesus just as I do.

So I come back to the title of this blog, "Run The Race Marked Out For You!"  We each have different life circumstances to deal with.  We each have to meet various challenges, whether they are related to health, job, family, etcetera.  God knows what we need to meet those challenges, and He stands ready to help us, as we seek him out.  Click on the Youtube link below to be encouraged.  It is an amazing story of a father and son.  The first minute talks about a blind man, but keep watching.  The last five minutes focus on the father and son, and what a love there is between them.  Sorry, they play a 10 second commercial at the beginning of the video.


Training Miles:  After four weeks I have walked 168 miles (42 per week) and run 92 miles (23 per week).  Remember I hope to run 1,000 miles by the marathon in November.  My goal this week is to walk 44 miles and run 40 miles. 

Prayer Request:  Pray that I remain injury free.  Pray that I can be the Dad the Lord has created me to be.  Pray that all of my children and grandchild (Bill, Dan, Jesse, Maria and Mason) follow the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.  Pray that the Dads in Kenya are able to stay strong and lead their children to know Jesus.

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