Hebrews 12:1-13

"Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith..."
Hebrews 12:1-13

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running to Overcoming Discouragement

It has continued to be hot out there!  Discouragement tries to set up shop.  There is a temptation to focus on the tiredness in your bones and the soar muscles that greet you in the morning.  But then you hear a great message from your Pastor, and just in time to spur me on.  Pastor Glaze preached on overcoming discouragement this past week.  He took his message from the book of Nehemiah.  There were seven keys:
1.  Prayer - Make it a priority and speak to and listen to God's voice in everything that you do.
2.  Determination - Set your mind on the task that God has called you to, and act with a firm resolve.
3.  Awareness - Look out for those things that would sidetrack you so you can defeat them.
4.  Courage - Seek God's strength, and ask Him to give you the courage to see the task to its end.
5.  Trust - Believe, believe, believe that God will give you what you need when you need it!
6.  Wisdom - Ask God to show you how to apply the knowledge obtained to the circumstances at hand.
7.  Perseverance - When you hit the wall, drink in the nourishment that comes from the Holy Spirit and take it to the next level!

All of these points can be drawn from the well of Nehemiah chapters 4-6.  I need to remember this as I keep on running for Kenya.  Finally, Pastor suggested we all pray the following prayer when we are discouraged:

     Father, the enemy has taken away my enthusiasm and courage.  Please help me identify the cause of my discouragement and what it is doing to me.  Help me to use the tools you have given me to overcome discouragement and bring you glory!

Update on      Walking     and    Running miles:      Total

Weeks 1-6      241                     176                     416    
Week 7             45                       45                       90
Week 8             45                       45                       90   (on track to complete)
Total                331                     266                     597

I'm injury free and on track.  Pray that I remain faithful to the goals God has given me to achieve.  Also, pray for Christians in Kenya.  The Kenyan military has gove after Muslim terrorist groups in Somalia, who have been committing terroristic acts in Kenya.  Just two weeks ago two Christian churches were bombed, and 15 believers were killed.  Pray that the senseless violence will cease.  Pray that the families that have suffered tremendous loss would receive comfort through the Holy Spirit as well as other believers.  We are communicating with the Cassell family to better understand this situation.

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