Hebrews 12:1-13

"Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with
perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith..."
Hebrews 12:1-13

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Focusing on the Prize

The Olympics started yesterday in London.  Thousands of athletes have tirelessly trained to win a medal.  Some of those athletes will also be albe to market themselves and obtain a monetary gain, especially if you are an athlete in a glamour sport such as swimming, gymnastics or track and field.

On the other hand, Christians are called to "fix your eyes on Jesus."  Our prize is pleasing our Lord.  We train to glorify Him, and we do this chiefly through serving others with a selfless love.  He called us to this through his example with his disciples when he washed their feet just prior to the Last Supper.  There is no applause for this.  There is no monetary reward.  The person we serve may not even express their appreciation.  In fact, those we serve may even be our enemy.  I think Jesus said something about loving them as well!

But Lord, I really like the applause.  I really like the money.  My flesh wants to go in the opposite direction of what you have called me to.  Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to be an olympic athlete.  As a Christian, the real question is whether you are doing it to glorify yourself or the Lord. 

Karen Zando is a long term Campus Crusade ministry worker that we support, and she is serving as a Chaplain for the Olympics in London.  She is meeting with the athletes and holding Bible studies and leading worship services.  She is also working to make the Word available to athletes who are unbelievers.  She shares that this is an exciting time where many people from all over the world gather in one place for this great international event, and that this gives Christians the opportunity to serve their neighbor through presenting the life-giving Gospel.  Her eyes are fixed on Jesus.  Let's pray Karen will have many opportunities to present the Gospel to unbelievers at the Olympics.

I'm sure in Kenya the Cassell family continues to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus.  Of course, Kenya is crazy for their runners, and the nation will be focused on what their athletes will do in track and field.  Let's pray that the Cassell family will find creative opportunities to share the Gospel through the connection between running the race for Jesus as opposed to just getting a gold medal.

Training Update
Weeks 1-9:       Walking Miles -   386          Running Miles -   313
Week 10:          Walking Miles -     50           Running Miles -    52
Total:                 Walking Miles -  436           Running Miles -   365 = 801

Pray that this blog gets out to other believers so they may be encouraged.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Focusing on the Extraoridnary & the Ordinary

     The Extraordinary - This week has been challenging, amazing, fulfilling, sad and hopeful.  My Aunt Miriam on my dad's side of the family died on Monday.  She is the last close living relative on my dad's side.  I had served as her encourager and power of attorney for the last 12 years.  She is home with the Lord, and I know she has been wanting to go home to him for some time now.  I am sad to say goodbye, but I am glad to know she is with our Father in heavan.  It was a very interesting 12 years.  At times she would be very demanding, and other times very tender.  There were times I did not want to have to carry the responsibility for her, but after it is all said and done, I am thankful God led me through this experience with her.  I learned a lot about love, and I learned a lot about the challenges of aging.  I know that I want to live my life in such a way that I may finish this race of life strong.  I hope I can be like Moses and be strong of mind and body and sight, and simply lay down and go home to be with God!
    The Ordinary - This week I have seen a number of young adults, who grew up around me.  Some of them often played in my back yard.  You wonder what kind of impact you are having on the lives of others.  My encounters this week led to conversations where they shared stories and remembered times where they played and spent time with ouf family.  It seemed to mean a lot to them.  Playing cards in the back yard; having fun on the swings and sliding board; even going around the neighborhood collecting garbage.  I all seemed to have meaning to them.  I pray that these young folks will look for God, and that they will sense their need for Him and follow Jesus.  Also, Maria is practicing her parrallel parking as she prepares to take her driver's test.  Just an ordinary, mundane event, but in a way, very special and extraordinary.  Isn't it great seeing your children become adults and move towards independence.  It's hard to believe she turned 18 and has graduated.  Ordinary stuff that causes me to feeling extaordinary feelings!

    Update on Training - Well, I'nm in week nine.  Here are the updated figures!

                        Walking Miles           Running Miles   
Weeks 1-8             331                                 266                      
Week 9                    55                                   47                           
Total                      386                                 313     =  699             

So let the extaoridanry and the ordinary encourage you, and look for God in it all.  Let's all pray for comfort and healing for those families in Colorado that lost loved ones at the Batman movie. 

Thank you, God, that you are there in the midst of unspeakable tragedy and confusion.  We look to you for our help in times of need.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Running to Overcoming Discouragement

It has continued to be hot out there!  Discouragement tries to set up shop.  There is a temptation to focus on the tiredness in your bones and the soar muscles that greet you in the morning.  But then you hear a great message from your Pastor, and just in time to spur me on.  Pastor Glaze preached on overcoming discouragement this past week.  He took his message from the book of Nehemiah.  There were seven keys:
1.  Prayer - Make it a priority and speak to and listen to God's voice in everything that you do.
2.  Determination - Set your mind on the task that God has called you to, and act with a firm resolve.
3.  Awareness - Look out for those things that would sidetrack you so you can defeat them.
4.  Courage - Seek God's strength, and ask Him to give you the courage to see the task to its end.
5.  Trust - Believe, believe, believe that God will give you what you need when you need it!
6.  Wisdom - Ask God to show you how to apply the knowledge obtained to the circumstances at hand.
7.  Perseverance - When you hit the wall, drink in the nourishment that comes from the Holy Spirit and take it to the next level!

All of these points can be drawn from the well of Nehemiah chapters 4-6.  I need to remember this as I keep on running for Kenya.  Finally, Pastor suggested we all pray the following prayer when we are discouraged:

     Father, the enemy has taken away my enthusiasm and courage.  Please help me identify the cause of my discouragement and what it is doing to me.  Help me to use the tools you have given me to overcome discouragement and bring you glory!

Update on      Walking     and    Running miles:      Total

Weeks 1-6      241                     176                     416    
Week 7             45                       45                       90
Week 8             45                       45                       90   (on track to complete)
Total                331                     266                     597

I'm injury free and on track.  Pray that I remain faithful to the goals God has given me to achieve.  Also, pray for Christians in Kenya.  The Kenyan military has gove after Muslim terrorist groups in Somalia, who have been committing terroristic acts in Kenya.  Just two weeks ago two Christian churches were bombed, and 15 believers were killed.  Pray that the senseless violence will cease.  Pray that the families that have suffered tremendous loss would receive comfort through the Holy Spirit as well as other believers.  We are communicating with the Cassell family to better understand this situation.